What can you expect?

Set forth on an adventure of discovery where you will dive into the realm of empathy with us as we explore groundbreaking theories and insights from experts. But that’s not all – be part of workshops, gain hands-on experience, and explore your creativity through different eyes. Get ready to be wowed and inspired like never before! Don’t miss out!

“The future is here. Are we ready to embrace it? What are the critical skills that we need for the world of the future and how can we start developing them? Let’s play a game.”

Adela Cristea

What You Can Expect

Be a part of something greater! Discover the Design Thinking Conference: a global convergence of seasoned design innovators. Immerse yourself in thrilling exchanges and dynamic insights, propelling your understanding of the transformative currents shaping our modern era. Looking for something different? Our conference is not a traditional type, but highly inspired by theatre. We have developed an experimental and exciting new format to challenge both the speakers and the audience. Convinced yet? Our mission is to shake you up and infuse you with fresh insights not just to leave you comfortably nestled in your beliefs. No preaching to the converted here; instead, expect experimentation, exhilaration, and delightful surprises.


Jump on board! Sign up today and be part of an exciting new era!


Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  

Ready to break the ice? Prepare yourself for an illuminating journey like no other at the Design Thinking Conference! Immerse yourself in the world of empathy as experts unveil groundbreaking theories and eye-opening insights! But wait, there’s more – we want you to dive in too! Challenge norms, innovate fiercely, and expect surprises! Mark your calendars and join us in Amsterdam on October 10th & 11th 2024 at Tobacco Theatre.  


“You can’t acces empathy if you’re not willing to be vulnerable”

Brené Brown

Curious about what our conferences are like? Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of hosting an esteemed lineup of speakers, each bringing unique insights and expertise to our stage. From industry leaders to innovators, our lineup reflects the diverse expertise and insights that make the Design Thinking Conference truly exceptional.

Our speakers from the past years have included: Stefan van der Stigchel, Karl Raats, Dorte Nielsen, Ramon Vullings, Timon Krause, Jim Kalbach, Varun Parmar, Hans Looijen, Kalwant Bhopal, Jeanne Liedtka, Roos Schlikker, Kalwant Bhopal, Christina Andersson, John Bielenberg, Anne Stenros, and Robbin Phillips.


Jump on board! – Sign up today and be part of an exciting new era!