Tim de Zeeuw & Juri Hoedemakers

In the Middle Ages, the court jester was sometimes the only one at court who could tell the truth to a brutal ruler without immediately fearing for his life. Tim de Zeeuw is a contemporary professional court jester. He will work with us with the tools of reflection, contradiction and (unsolicited) advice.

"In a world where problems such as cultures of fear, polarization and staff shortages seem to be the norm, the modern court jester may be the unexpected solution that entrepreneurs are looking for"

Juri Hoedemakers

About the speaker

Meet Tim de Zeeuw: result-oriented (program) manager, organizational consultant, trainer and leadership coach. Proven track record in complex (multinational) organizations, SME and startup founder. He has a great passion for accelerating individual growth and organizational transformations & transitions.

Juri Hoedemakers is on a mission to make people happy with their lives, their work, and most importantly, with themselves. Before discovering this mission, the Rotterdam native gained experience in many organizations across various sectors after completing his bachelor’s degree. In his early thirties, he began his ‘second life’ by returning to school. For his thesis on the value of the age-old court jester in modern organizations, he received the thesis award at RSM Erasmus University. He then wrote his first book, ‘Wanted: Court Jester’, on the subject, which was nominated for Management Book of the Year in 2022.


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