Maaike Mintjes "I wish…"
‘I wish…’ is an experimental session. It invites you to use design thinking to look at an experience that is both personal and universal: regret. Can we help each other to understand or see our regrets differently?
About the speaker
After many corporate adventures in roles with everchanging titles, Maaike became a consultant in 2020. Design silos don’t make any sense to her, and as a freelancer she happily moves between disciplines. You might find her hosting a UX research festival, speaking at an LxD conference, attending a CX event or facilitating at the Design Thinkers Conference.
In her day-to-day work Maaike helps teams and organisations through research, facilitation, training and coaching. Her clients describe her collaboration style as responsive, thoughtful and fun, and value her dual expertise as a qualitative researcher and facilitator.
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